NGOCC Trains Journalist in SGBV
NGOCC continues to inform Zambian women and girls of these policies, mobilize them to participate in key discussions and forums so as to influence policymakers. Leveraging on our past experiences in mobilizing, influencing, policy advocacy, capacity building, NGOCC is currently implementing it five years strategic plan that among other focuses on SRHR, SGBV and HIV.
The right to decide over and exercise control over one’s body and reproduction and its linkages to HIV and AIDS is a fundamental women empowerment agenda. This requires integrated services within a continuum of care of reproduction, maternal, new-born and adolescent health services. It is also undisputable that poverty perpetuates vulnerability to disease and women and children often face the brunt of this predicament. This further hinders households’ ability to meet nutritional requirements especially in rural areas where basic social services are inadequate. The resulting effect of which is poor nutrition patterns which affect the health of young infants and also grossly compromises maternal health. The programme implementation focuses on advocating for access to comprehensive SRHR with specific focus on prioritizing, ending Child and Forced Marriages, issues of SGBV and HIV.
Pursuant to the intended success for the implementation of the Strategic Plan, and the transformation of the lives of women and girls in Zambia regarding their sexual and reproductive health and rights, NGOCC is categorical that a sustained media partnership is crucial. Media as the ultimate link between the targeted stake-holders play an important role in especially raising awareness and educating the public. It is through media that the realization and provision of SRHR to Zambian women and girls can be championed and achieved. It is through the media that issues of SGBV and the link to HIV can be highlighted. Thus, after the Media training, the Media committed to report on the issue of SRHR.
NGOCC recognises media as a very important partner. The Objective of the program therefore was:
- To create and sustain a critical link between NGOCC’s focus and the role of the media in enhancing greater SRHR for Zambian women and girls.
- To enhance public awareness on SRHR
- To facilitate and provide critical media coverage within specific media platforms to amplify the full realization of SRHR for Zambia’s women and girls through an expanded collaborative media strategy
- To enhancing knowledge and understanding of the media SGBV