I’m now a POWER Woman who owns a Shoprite! Says Emelda

“I’m now a POWER Woman who owns a Shoprite after having been trained by Zambia Association for Research and Development (ZARD), a beneficiary member organization of NGOCC with financial support from European Union (EU)” says 53 year old – Emeldah Banda.
She adds “I belong to a village banking group from which I borrowed money to open my grocery. The entrepreneurship and business management knowledge which I got from the training I attended, my business has expanded to higher levels and I have manged to buy and install in my shop a solar power system for lighting. Because of the nice lighting in my shop I have extended my working hours and I make more money. Thanks to ZARD for having selected me to be a beneficiary of the POWER Action. I request that NGOCC with the support of EU extends this support to other areas so that more women and their households can as well benefit. As for me my life now is transformed”