Breastfeeding Association of Zambia
Area of interest: Enhancement of child survival and safe motherhood through promotion
and protection of breastfeeding

Community for Human Development
Area of interest: Health-HIV/AIDS, Women’s economic empowerment, Micro Financing, gender and development and advocacy on women and children’s rights.

Community Youth Concern
Area of interest: improve quality of life for orphans, vulnerable children and Disadvantaged women

Council of Churches in Zambia (CCZ)
http://ccz.org.zmArea of Interest: Propagation and Promotion of Gospel and holistic Development of Man.

Development Organization for Peoples Empowerment (DOPE)
Area of interest: Women’s empowerment through food security, HIV/AIDS sensitization

Area of Interest: Poverty reduction amongst prisoners and children through resource Mobilization and entrepreneurship

Forum for Africa Women Educationalists of Zambia (FAWEZA)
Area of interest: Advocacy for educational policies and programmes for advancement of Girls’ education with special attention to science, maths and technical subjects.

Guides Association of Zambia
Area of Interest: Advancement of Girls and Young Women through life skills

Henwood Foundation
Area of interest: Poverty eradication through practical and equitable education, improved health and food security

Law and Development Association (LADA)
Area of Interest: Equity and Development oppression and Poverty

National Council of Catholic Women (NCCW)
Area of Interest: To Coordinate Catholic Women’s Organisations

National Legal Aid Clinic for Women
Area of interest: Empower women by facilitating their access to legal rights by way of
Representation, counselling, legal and human rights education as a distinct but integral
of the women’s movement.

NGOs Technical Services Unit (NGOTSU)
Area of Interest: Management Programmes on Capacity Building to NGOs and CBOs

Senior Citizens Association of Zambia
Area of Interest: Looks into the general welfare of older people

Tasintha Programme
Area of interest: behavioural change for sex workers through life saving skills

Women and Law in Southern Africa (WLSA)
Area of Interest: Enlightening Women on their legal rights concerningInheritance and other legal matters.

Women Finance Cooperative of Zambia Ltd
Area of Interest: Economic Empowerment of Women, Credit Facilities

Women for Change (WfC)
http://www.wfc.org.zmArea of Interest: Gender Issues, Poverty eradication, Community Mobilization, Consultancy

Young Women Christian Association Council of Zambia (YWCA)
Area of Interest: Empowerment of Women, Women’s Human Rights,Advocacy, Primary Health Care, Skills Training, Youth work, BusinessDevelopment

Youth Development Foundation
http://www.ydfz.wordpress.comArea of interest: Promotion of participation of young people in development

Zambia Alliance of Women – ZAW
Area of Interest: Women’s Welfare in Rural Areas, AppropriateTechnology, Environment

Zambia Association for Research and Development (ZARD)
Area of Interest: Research and Development on Gender Issues

Zambia Association of University Women (ZAUW)
Area of interest: Promotion of life long education for women and girls

Zambia Federation for Women in Business
https://www.facebook.com/ZFAWIB/Area of Interest: Promoting and encouraging women in Business

Zambia Media Women Association
https://zamwa.wordpress.com/Area of interest: To establish, promote and develop good relations and cooperation among women in the media, communication, public relations practitioners throughout Zambia and to assist in the maintenance of honor and integrity of journalism and to promote the highest standards of professional ethics and also to promote good media training among women.

Zambia National Traditional Counsellors Association
Area of Interest: Traditional Counselling and gender cultural promotion

Zambia National Women’s Lobby
http://www.womenslobby.org.zm/Area of Interest: Women’s Human Rights, Women’s Access to decision making.

Zambia Union of Nurses Organization – ZUNO
http://www.zuno.org.zmArea of Interest: Nurses Training and Rights

Zambia White Ribbon Alliance for Safe Motherhood
Area of interest: To build alliances or networks with safe motherhood partners from all over the country and influence policy through partnership building, political advocacy and community mobilisation on safe motherhood.